Search by Group Show All All Search by Group Show All Prof. Dr. Abdulvahit YÜKSELEN - Gastroenterology Prof. Dr. Ahmet ÖZGÜL - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Prof. Dr. Ali AYDIN - Ophthalmology Prof. Dr. Ali Ulvi ÖNDER - Urology Prof. Dr. Arzu BABAYİĞİT - Pediatric Immunology and Allergy Prof. Dr. Arzu BALKAN - Thoracic Surgery Prof. Dr. Aşkın Ali KORKMAZ - Cardiovascular Surgery Prof. Dr. Ayşe Nur İZOL TORUN - Internal Diseases and Endrocrinology Prof. Dr. Barçın ÖZCEM - Cardiovascular Surgery Prof. Dr. Burçin ŞANLIDAĞ - Pediatrics Prof. Dr. Canan AYABAKAN - Pediatrics Cardiology Prof. Dr. Ceyhun DALKAN - Intensive Care Unit Prof. Dr. Çiğdem ARIKAN - Pediatric Gastroenterology Prof. Dr. Doğa GÜRKANLAR - Brain and Neurosurgery Prof. Dr. Eray DİRİK - Pediatric Neurology Prof. Dr. Fatih DEMİRKAN - Haematology Prof. Dr. Ferhat ERİŞİR - Ear, Nose and Throat Head and Neck Surgery Prof. Dr. Gamze MOCAN - Pathology Prof. Dr. Gülay EREN - Head of Intensive Care Unit Prof. Dr. Haluk ÖZTÜRK - Pediatric Surgery Prof. Dr. Hamza DUYGU - Cardiology Prof. Dr. Hasan BESİM - General Surgery Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Kaya SÜER - Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Prof. Dr. İlhan SANİSOĞLU - Cardiovascular Surgery Prof. Dr. İpek ÖZUNAN - Pediatric Nephrology and Rheumatology Prof. Dr. Levent CERİT - Cardiology Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ali OTO - Cardiology Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÖZMENOĞLU - Neurology Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tahir ALTUĞ - Ear, Nose and Throat Head and Neck Surgery Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÜNSEL - Allergy and Immunology Prof. Dr. Meltem Nalça ANDRIEU - Radiation Oncology Prof. Dr. Mustafa Cem UZAL - Radiation Oncology Prof. Dr. Nerin Nadir BAHÇECİLER ÖNDER - Pediatric Immunology and Allergy Prof. Dr. Nuri ARSLAN - Nuclear Medicine Prof. Dr. Onur AKPINAR - Cardiology Prof. Dr. Özgür ÇELİK - Brain and Neurosurgery Prof. Dr. Rüveyde BUNDAK - Pediatric Endocrinology Diseases Prof. Dr. Salih KAVUKÇU - Pediatric Nephrology and Rheumatology Prof. Dr. Salih Müjdat BALKAN - General Surgery Prof. Dr. Selman ÜNVERDİ - Nephrology and Internal Diseases Prof. Dr. Selman Vefa YILDIRIM - Pediatrics Cardiology Prof. Dr. Süha AKPINAR - Radiology Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ali ÖZANT - General Surgery Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşe BAHA - Thoracic Diseases Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cenk CONKBAYIR - Cardiology Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz AYDIN - Orthopaedics and Traumatology Assoc. Prof. Dr. Enes SARI - Orthopaedics and Traumatology Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eyüp YAYCI - Gynaecology and Obstetrics Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fikret DİRİLENOĞLU - Pathology Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gürkan AVCI - General Surgery Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hatice KEMAL GÜNSEL - Cardiology Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Orgun DEREN - Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetics Surgery Assoc. Prof. Dr. İlke BEYİTLER - Pediatrics Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmet GÜN - Gynaecology and Obstetrics Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehtap TINAZLI - Internal Diseases Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neşe AKCAN - Pediatrics Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer DİKER - Medical Oncology Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özlem BALCIOĞLU - Cardiovascular Surgery Assoc. Prof. Dr. Polat OLGUN - Medical Oncology Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep CERİT - Pediatrics Assist. Prof. Dr. Burcu ÖZBAKIR - Gynaecology and Obstetrics Assist. Prof. Dr. Deniz BEDEL - Nuclear Medicine Assist. Prof. Dr. Deniz Granit SEMAVİ - Internal Diseases Assist. Prof. Dr. Kalbim ARSLAN - General Surgery Assist. Prof. Dr. Koray KADAM - Emergency Service Assist. Prof. Dr. Özlem ÖNDER - Neurology Assist. Prof. Dr. Remzi TINAZLI - Ear, Nose and Throat Head and Neck Surgery Assist. Prof. Dr. Uğurcan BALYEMEZ - Radiology Assist. Prof. Dr. Yasemin KÜÇÜKÇİLOĞLU - Radiology Specialist Ahmet SOYKURT - General Surgery - Obesity, Diabetes and Reflux Surgery Specialist Arda YAMAN - Anesthesiology and Reanimation Specialist Arif YÜCEL - Internal Diseases Specialist Aşkın PEKBAY - Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist Aziz S. GÜNSEL - Cardiology Specialist Berkay MEVLANAOĞLU - Emergency Service Specialist Burak AKDÖNER - Psychiatry Specialist Cahit BURKE - Ophthalmology Specialist Elif Burcu GARDA - Emergency Service Specialist Eralp KUBİLAY - Urology Specialist Gaukhar BAKHTİYAROVA - Internal Diseases Specialist Gönül IŞIK ŞAHLI - Internal Diseases Specialist Gülgün VAİZ - Cardiology Specialist Güven Gürkan SAYAK - Cardiology Specialist Hasan ŞAFAKOĞULLARI - Ear, Nose and Throat Head and Neck Surgery Specialist Hatice Germen ÜNVERDİ - Pathology Specialist Hülya ARIK - Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialist Hülya DEDE VAHEDİ - Rheumatology Specialist Hüsnü KOŞUCU - Brain and Neurosurgery Specialist İçim KÖMÜRCÜGİL YİĞİT - Dermatological and venereal diseases Specialist Kardelen ÇAMBER - Ophthalmology Specialist M. Behçet ŞİMŞEK - Pediatrics and Pediatric Nephrology Specialist Mehmet Levent SOYLU - Psychiatry Specialist Mehmet Yavuz SELHANOĞLU - Urology Specialist Murat AKSOY - Perinatologist Specialist Mustafa TAŞELİ - Ophthalmology Specialist Neptün Fazilet ERDENER - Gynaecology and Obstetrics Specialist Nurhak DEMİR - Neurology Specialist Oğuz Han EDEBAL - Biochemistry and Microbiology Laboratory Specialist Okan KORUN - Cardiology Specialist Özen Özden YÜKSELEN - Pathology Specialist Özgür HÜRKAL - Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetics Surgery Specialist Reşad MAMMADOV - Gynaecology and Obstetrics Specialist Şahin IŞIK - Neurology Specialist Şeniz KULLE - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialist Serap MADEN - Dermatological and venereal diseases Specialist Tansel ÜNAL - Neurology Specialist Yakup YILDIRIM