Sugary Drinks Kill! The Deception of Sugar Free Drinks

Head of Department of Cardiology of Near East University Hospital Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu gave information regarding a significant research study revealed at a Annual Congress- European Society of Cardiology held in Paris last week. According to the research conducted, sugary drinks and sweeteners increased the mortality caused by cardiovascular diseases and could cause large intestine cancer.

Largest research ever carried out...
Providing details regarding the information shared at the annual congress of European Society for Cardiology, Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu stated that the results of the research study on sugary drinks and sweeteners drew the attention of many; pointing out that this particular study was the largest ever conducted. The results of the study revealed that sugary drinks increased the death rates. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu expressed that the study placed equal and special focus on both sugary drinks and drinks with sweeteners. He stated that those who consume two or more glasses of sugary drinks a day were compared to individuals who consumed sugary drinks once a month. Moreover, those who consumed drinks with sweeteners were compared to those who drank drinks with sweeteners less than a glass within a month. Resultantly, it was found out that the death rates of those who consume drinks with sweeteners rose by 26% compared to those who drank less than a glass a month. Similarly, the death rates of those who consume two or more glasses of sugary drinks a day rose by 8%; compared to individuals who drank less than a glass within a month. In a further study based on this research, it was observed that sweetened drinks increased cardiovascular system deaths by 52%.

Sweetened and Sugary Drinks increase mortality
Prof. Dr. Hamza expressed that according to two different studies published in American journals this year, it is concluded that sweetened and sugary drinks increase mortality rates for all reasons; thus, providing further evidence and supporting the fact that sweetened and sugary drinks increase mortality rates for all reasons. Additionally, Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu stated that the definition of the sugary beverage in the present study included carbonated drinks, isotonic drinks and diluted syrups. These drinks are divided into two groups as sweetener and non-sweetener; and the study includes a total of 451,743 participants from 10ndifferent countries in Europe. Digestive system deaths were also found to be significantly higher in 59% of those who consumed sweetened sugary drinks. This increase is thought to be related to hyperglycemia caused by sugary drinks disrupting the intestinal barrier and increasing the risk of intestinal infection. Interestingly, in this study, it was found that consumption of sugary drinks increased the deaths from Parkinson's disease by 59%.

Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu: “Avoiding Sugary Drinks and Sugary Drinks with Artificial Sweeteners is very important for a Healthy Life and a Healthy Heart!”
Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu stated that it is a question whether sugar drinks are related to cancer and according to the results of this study, sugary drinks were only associated with large bowel cancer. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu expressed that 25% of deaths from large bowel cancer are higher in people who drink one or more glasses of sugary drinks per day than those who drink less than a glass a month. He pointed out that according to these studies increased death of large bowel cancer can lead to weight gain of sugary drinks and obesity. Prof. Dr. Hamza Duygu said as a result, avoiding sugary drinks and especially sugary drinks with artificial sweeteners such as light, zero etc., is very important for a healthy life and a healthy heart. He provided a list of healthy drinks as sugar-free tea, coffee, non-sweetened and sugar-free soda and mineral water emphasised that even healthy drink consumption should not exceed their daily limits. He ended his words by stressing the significance of drinking plenty of water daily.