Many aspects of the nursing profession were discussed at the symposium organized by Near East Enterprises Hospitals during World Nursing Week.

Near East Enterprises Hospitals celebrated World Nursing Week, which is celebrated every year between 12-18 May, with the “Near East Enterprises Hospitals Nursing Symposium”. This special week, dedicated to nurses, the indispensable heroes of healthcare, brought together professionals, prospective nurses and the public at the symposium organized by Near East Enterprises Hospitals.

Member of the Board of Trustees of Near East Formation and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Near East Enterprises Hospitals Mehmet Soykurt, Vice Rector of the University of Kyrenia and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. Rüveyde Bundak, Dean of Near East University Faculty of Nursing, Prof. Dr. Ümran Dal Yılmaz, Chief Physician of Dr. Suat Günsel Kyrenia University Hospital Prof. Dr. Müfit Cemal Yenen, Near East University Yeniboğaziçi Hospital’s Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Aşkın Ali Korkmaz, Near East University Hospital Head Nurse Türkan Şahin, Near East University Yeniboğaziçi Hospital Head Nurse Demet Yalçın Özsoylu and Dr. Suat Günsel University of Kyrenia Hospital Head Nurse Sema Yalçınkaya, as well as many nurses and midwives attended the symposium took place at the University of Kyrenia Grand Library, Culture, Congress and Exhibition Center with intense participation.

The future of the profession was also discussed at the symposium, which aims to share innovations in the field of nursing, transfer experiences and improve the quality of health services by transferring knowledge and expertise. Following the presentations, the symposium ended with the video screening titled “Nursing in the Eyes of the Public” prepared by Near East University Yeniboğaziçi Hospital.

The nursing profession was discussed in many aspects!
In the first session of the symposium consisting of two sessions; Near East University Faculty of Nursing Dean Prof. Dr. Ümran Dal Yılmaz made a presentation titled “Our Nurses are Our Future”, Dr. Suat Günsel, Kyrenia University Hospital Head Nurse Sema Yalçınkaya and Training Nurse Fatma Yılmaz made a presentation on “The History of Nursing and Nursing Education”, Near East University Hospital Head Nurse Türkan Şahin spoke on “Care Quality in Nursing” and Kyrenia University Nursing Department Head Assist. Prof. Dr. Hazel Şahin Tarım discussed “Psychosocial Care in Nursing”.

In the second session; Near East University Hospital Deputy Head Nurse and Training Nurse Şenay Öztaşlı made a presentation on “Communication in Nursing”. Follow-up Service Nurse Berkay Şahin made a presentation titled “Cultural Awareness and Nursing Approach”, Yeniboğaziçi Hospital Head Nurse Demet Yalçın Özsoylu discussed the topic “Digital Transformation in Nursing”, while Infection Control Department Nurse Hazal Cemre Yorulmaz gave a speech on “The Importance of Infection Control and Sustainability in Nursing”.