Hot Weather Can Trigger Heart Disease!

Rising temperatures due to the approaching summertime pose new risks for heart patients. Dr. Aziz Günsel emphasizes that cardiac patients should pay attention to nutrition, daily activity planning and drug doses during this period

As the summer months approach, the air temperatures continue to rise. Rising temperatures pose new risks for many patient groups. Heart patients stand out as one of the patient groups that are most adversely affected by the hot weather. Dr. Aziz Günsel warned about the risks that heart patients may face risks due to the increase in air temperature.

Emphasizing that the loss of water and salt due to sweating causes an increase in heart rate as the temperatures increase, Dr. Aziz Günsel said that this situation increases the workload of the heart. For this reason, Dr. Günsel stated that patients with high blood pressure, heart failure, obstruction in the heart vessels or stents or with a history of bypass should be especially careful in hot weather.

Attention to nutrition
Dr. Aziz Günsel also made statements about the measures that heart patients can take during hot weather. Stating that nutrition and diet to be applied in the summer months become much more important, Dr. Günsel said, “Heart patients should take vegetable-based, rich pulp, boiled or grilled foods instead of fatty, heavy and difficult to digest foods in the summer months. It would be beneficial to have frequent meals and small amounts of the foods."

Plan the day correctly
One of the issues that Dr. Günsel draws attention to is the timing of daily activities. Saying, "During the hot hours of the day when the sunrays directly hit, people should avoid going out, swimming in the sea, and avoid activities that require excessive effort and should not take alcohol", Dr. Günsel also emphasized; "Swimming on a full stomach can be dangerous for heart patients. Early morning and cool evening hours are the right times for effort-consuming activities. It would be beneficial for heart patients to walk or swim during these hours so that they do not exert themselves excessively." Dr. Günsel also warned, "When complaints such as chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, fainting occur, patients should immediately apply to the nearest health center."

Drug use should be planned under the supervision of a doctor
Stating that the medication of the cardiac patients using regular drugs can be rearranged under the supervision of a doctor, taking into account the changes caused by the air temperature and the body's drug doses. Aziz Günsel emphasized that patients who use diuretic drugs should be careful, and said "Exposure to excessive fluid loss, weakness, fatigue or rhythm disturbances can be seen in patients with heart failure or high blood pressure using diuretic drugs." Dr. Aziz Günsel recommended that the drug doses of patients using this type of medication should be rearranged in the follow-up of the doctor.